Friday, April 16, 2010

Diversity - Root cause of everything

A foreigner visited India. Back in his home some body asked him "How are the Indians?", The foreigner replied, "In India I did not even meet one Indian." Surprised? How the heck did this guy, visited India, a country with one billion people and did not see any one? Its true if you want to meet an Indian you will find him or her in the countries other than India but not in India. In India you will find Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, jains, Tamilan, Malayalee, Andhraites, Biharies, Kannada, gujarathis, north Indian, south Indian, etc etc..

In our history books, we are taught to be proud of a concept unique only to India. "Unity in Diversity". Are we? Inside India every where you could see the diversity. It is not uphold-ed as we were taught in our schools. Each sect of Indians is prejudiced about the other, and they are brought up to believe that their sect is the better than the others.

I don't want to elaborate on this concept. An Indian would have understood what I have been trying to explain because, it is forced into our minds, carved deep into our hearts, injected into our blood, from our childhood.

It is deep rooted in our system.
Starting from the formation of states,which is based on the language; quota reservations in job & education, based on caste and religion; And it has been the basic and the most important concept during the election campaigns. We have more parties bearing a word regarding a sect in their party names than the parties with the word INDIA in their names. Why aren't we ashamed ?

The unity part in our infamous quote "Unity in Diversity" comes now. I am ashamed to say as an Indian that majority of Indians are hypocrites. We want justice for us , our family, our sect, our religion, our state even though it affects other people.Is justice not "the thing you do for the other person what you want for yourself"?

Is it possible for our country to get out of this unhealthy diversity? Is is possible for us to reorganize the states now? No. Reorganizing states are not a practical solution. But where we could do that? In the language department, quota and reservation. It is possible . We need solutions. We need leaders who could provide solutions whose ultimate ambition should be the welfare of the country, not just money and power. And most importantly the education. I would discuss more on these on my further blog entries.

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