Friday, April 16, 2010

My teenage Love story

I want to share with you my second love story. The first one will be on this blog later.

I was in the ninth standard then. I studied in an all boys school. There was an all girls school too in my town. My home was on the way in between those to schools. I remember it was my first mid term exams. I had exams in the afternoon. At one o clock in the afternoon I was cycling towards my school to give the first exam of my ninth standard. I was leaving to school from my home. On the road, I swear , I am not adding anything extra to spice up my story, I felt somebody was watching me. Then I saw her. She was the one who was watching me. From her uniform which is meant only for girls of ninth and tenth standard I figured out she was also in ninth standard . One more thing she was going to her school. Our schools have the same management. Same syllabus, same time table and even same question paper. So, a girl wearing the dress meant for ninth and tenth standard girls, going to school in afternoon, she must be ninth standard, because the exams were in the morning for tenth standard.

The first thought after noticing that she was checking me out was "how come a girl is checking me out .." Because you know, the teen years, with a lot of hormones, lots of pimples on my face...Then we just saw each other till we passed each other. Then I turned back . She was still checking me out. Wow..that was nice..My hormones were crazy in teen years..

I still remember her..she was wearing a blue half saree with blue uniform..if you dont know what a half saree is ..I have added a picture..she had a shopping bag with the writing pad and other stuff(I could not see the other stuff,, the pad was a bit out of the bag.)..She was holding the bag to her chest like every other girl..

For the next exam I was eager to see her again. Atlast a girl is checking me out. How cool is that? The day of the second exam I stopped at a stationary shop to buy papers for my exam. Yes guys..I studied in a government school. For the mid terms we had bring our own papers..For the quaterly , half-yearly and annual exams our schools provided the papers. Some of my friends wrote little to save the paper even at the exams. Now at the shop we had two counters one for boys. the other for girls..Guess who was there at the girls counter? Are you thinking this seems a bit ..true story.. Yes, she was there..She was also buying papers from the stationary. We just saw each other , no words, nobody even tried to speak. Then an another guy wearing my school uniform talked to her. My,control you imagination. he was not the villain of this story.Actually, he was my friend's brother. We practiced together. We were on the schools sport team.

Afterward I asked him about her. He told her name. It started with 'K' and ended with 'a'. Beautiful name. A Very common name in my home state. She and he went to the same teacher for tuition. And surprise! surprise! Her tuition was on my way to mine. true story guys..Our town is a small town.heheh..

During the exams, I and her K had made an unspoken arrangement. I never left home a bit early or late. I cannot afford to miss seeing her. I think she must have also done the same thing . Because for the next three exams before and after the exams we never missed seeing each other. our routine was simple. When she was walking towards me we had eye contact. Unbroken, till we crossed each other. Then after we have crossed each other we would turn some moments later and wait for the other to turn. I forgot to mention about her friends. They were really supportive. They would giggle and comment and tease her which would make the whole situation more romantic, as in the movies.

Then the exams got over..We have not spoke a word yet. how are we gonna make arrangement to see each other in the forthcoming days? Are we gonna even see other? a lots on unanswered questions..I wanted to see her everyday..I didn't know how she felt...?the next working day morning 9 o clock..

to be continued...

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